Gynaecology from the Perspective of TCM

Gynaecological conditions can, in part due to their chronic nature, lead to significant limitations in a patient’s life. On this page, I discuss some, but not all, of the gynecological conditions we treat. If your specific concerns are not listed, please feel free to contact me.


Amenorrhea can arise from either deficiency or excess patterns. Deficiency patterns may include Jing deficiency, blood deficiency, or spleen and kidney deficiency, while excess patterns involve cold in the uterus, phlegm, or qi and blood stagnation.


Fibroids develop due to blood stagnation or the accumulation of phlegm or dampness in the body. Additionally, damp-heat is differentiated from damp-cold.


In TCM, endometriosis is described as blood stagnation in the uterus, leading to the formation of hard masses, also known as chocolate cysts. These can cause symptoms such as irregular bleeding and pain. Chinese medicine focuses on resolving stagnation and restoring the balanced flow of Qi.


In Chinese medicine, menopause is considered a natural decline in Jing that occurs with age. The patterns to be treated include kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, liver yin deficiency with rising liver yang (hot flashes), and kidney and heart disharmony. There may also be patterns of phlegm and qi stagnation.

Diseases of the Bladder

Depending on the condition, the bladder can be affected by the intrusion of TCM patterns such as damp-heat or damp-cold.


Incontinence is described as lung qi deficiency, kidney deficiency, or a combination of both. Kidney deficiency can involve either kidney yin or yang. Nocturnal incontinence is associated with kidney yang deficiency.

PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Ovarian cysts, from the perspective of TCM, correspond to blood stagnation and/or accumulations of dampness and phlegm. This stagnation and accumulation can lead to symptoms such as pelvic pain and irregular menstrual cycles. Treatment focuses on resolving these stagnations and balancing the flow of Qi to alleviate the symptoms and address the root cause.


Traditional Chinese Medicine views osteoporosis as a condition associated with the kidney meridian. The bone structure becomes porous, which is described as a deficiency of ‚Jing,‘ the essence of the kidneys. In addition to a kidney-tonifying diet, therapy involves strengthening the kidneys through acupuncture or Chinese herbs.


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