Hormones and Metabolism from the Perspective of TCM

On this page, the most common hormonal and metabolic conditions from the perspective of TCM are discussed, but there are many other endocrine disorders as well. In Chinese Medicine, I typically address metabolism and hormones by regulating your secretion. I use Chinese Medicine as a supportive measure, for example, to alleviate the symptoms of hormone therapy.

Read a clinical study on hormone treatment with TCM, published by Hindawi, here.

Diabetes mellitus

Acupuncture and herbal therapy are commonly used methods in TCM to alleviate the symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Based on the diagnosis and underlying causes of diabetes mellitus, I treat each patient individually. I recommend considering TCM as a complement to conventional medical approaches and consulting with your doctor beforehand. Read here a clinical study on the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with acupuncture.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), hyperthyroidism is viewed as an imbalance in the spleen meridian, with treatment focusing on strengthening the spleen and reducing excessive heat. Read here a clinical study on the treatment of hyperthyroidism with acupuncture, published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine.


Hypothyroidism is interpreted as a deficiency of spleen and yang energy, with the therapy aiming to strengthen the spleen and yang energy and restore the body’s energetic balance. Read here a clinical study on the treatment of hypothyroidism with acupuncture and cupping therapy, published in the Journal JAMS.

Cushing's Syndrome

Cushing’s disease is considered a disharmony of the spleen meridian with possible dampness. In treating the condition, I aim to clear heat, dry dampness, and harmonize the body to restore the balanced harmony between Yin and Yang.


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