Mental Conditions: Panic Attacks and Depression from the Perspective of TCM

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, mental health conditions like panic attacks and depression can be effectively treated with acupuncture, as evidenced by numerous studies. The Heart meridian is primarily involved in most mental health issues. In treating panic attacks, the focus is on calming the „Shen“ – the spirit, while depression is often addressed by strengthening the Heart and Liver organs.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

In TCM, anxiety and panic attacks are related to the Heart meridian. According to Chinese classics, every emotion passes through the Heart. Panic, in particular, directly affects the Heart meridian. This can be due to insufficient blood flowing through the meridian or excessive heat that agitates the Heart.


Depressions can present with a variety of symptoms. Persistent low mood, reduced drive and thinking, loss of interest, as well as physical symptoms such as insomnia, appetite disturbances, and pain, can be signs of depression. In TCM, depression is described as a deficiency of Liver blood, Heart blood, Heart Yin deficiency, or Heart blood stagnation.

Eating Disorder / Anorexia / Binge Eating Disorder

An eating disorder in TCM is associated with the Spleen meridian. Depending on the nature of the condition, the meridian may be weakened or overfull; it can exhibit dampness, as in cases of overeating, or be deficient, as in Spleen Qi deficiency. Treatment involves strengthening the Spleen meridian and tonifying the Heart meridian, which helps to harmonize the psyche.

Bipolar Disorder

A bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by mood swings between two extremes. During the extreme high phases, also known as manic phases, individuals may be exuberant, highly active, irritable, erratic, and restless. The other extreme is the depressive phase, where symptoms such as low mood, lack of motivation, and sadness predominate.


Since phobias are associated with anxiety, the Heart and Kidney meridians are also prominently involved. The Heart is related to manifestations of panic, while the Kidneys are associated with profound fear. Depending on the individual diagnosis, a phobia may be due to either a deficiency or excess in the meridians. As phobias typically persist over a long period, the underlying cause is often a deficiency.

Somatoform Disorder

A somatoform disorder is diagnosed when physical symptoms are present but no organic cause can be found. It is assumed that the complaints are due to psychological causes. In Chinese Medicine, there is no distinction between body and mind, so each patient is treated on both psychological and physical levels.

Psychosis and Schizophrenia

A psychosis describes a state of temporary alteration in the patient’s experience of reality. Thinking, desire, feeling, and behavior are altered. In TCM, psychoses are understood as disharmonies in the Heart meridian. The Shen, or spirit, is cloudy or foggy. In schizophrenia, the disharmony includes the formation of phlegm, which makes the condition more persistent. The treatment aims to calm the Shen and eliminate the phlegm.


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