Cancer and Tumours from the Perspective of TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be used as a complementary treatment alongside conventional oncological care for tumour diseases, such as in parallel with chemotherapy, to prevent and alleviate polyneuropathies or to mitigate nausea. Acupuncture is particularly suitable here because needle treatments do not interact with medications. It is also used for follow-up care after chemotherapy or radiotherapy and to strengthen the body after surgical procedures.

Through my work in integrative oncology at Klinikum Essen Mitte, I have supported many patients who benefited from TCM methods during their hospital stay.

According to TCM, there is not necessarily a single cause for a tumour. There are various disharmony patterns that can contribute to tumor formation. TCM also differentiates between benign and malignant tissues.

For this reason, I do not treat all tumor diseases with TCM in the same way but tailor my approach to your individual needs. The key disharmony patterns include phlegm, blood stasis, toxic heat, and dampness, which need to be addressed throughout the therapy.

Cancer and Tumours in TCM

Milz Qi Xu + Phlegm

In the case of Spleen Qi deficiency with phlegm, the energetic function of the spleen is weakened, leading to the accumulation of phlegm in the body. Typical symptoms may include fatigue, a feeling of heaviness, digestive disturbances, depression, moodiness, a sensation of pressure in the chest, difficulty swallowing, cough, and a tendency to form phlegm. Acupuncture can help to strengthen the spleen and resolve phlegm.

Liver Blood Stasis

The treatment of liver blood stagnation often involves the use of specific herbs such as Chuanxiong and Yanhusuo, which aim to promote blood circulation and resolve blood stagnation in the liver. Additionally, I use acupuncture to address energetic blockages and improve the flow of Qi. Acupuncture is particularly indicated when it is necessary to avoid interactions with medications.

Dampness and Phlegm in the Lungs

Symptoms of moisture in the lungs can include cough with a lot of mucus, breathing difficulties, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, and sometimes headaches. Lung moisture occurs when the normal flow of Qi and moisture in the lungs is disrupted, leading to mucus accumulation. This can result in symptoms such as chronic cough with thick, sticky mucus, shortness of breath, and a sensation of heaviness in the chest, and in the long term, it may even lead to tumor conditions.

Phlegm Heat

Phlegm-heat refers to a condition where phlegm is accompanied by heat in the body. This condition can affect various organ systems, but it often impacts the lungs. Symptoms include a cough with yellow, thick mucus, breathing difficulties, and a sensation of tightness in the chest, possibly accompanied by a sore throat, fever, and discomfort. If the disharmony progresses, the phlegm can develop into a tumor condition.


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