Allergies from the Perspective of TCM

In my practice, I use acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to treat allergies. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, allergies are caused by a deficiency in Wei Qi, which is responsible for the body’s defenses. Depending on the condition, disharmonies in various organ systems can play a role in the development of allergies. To gain clarity about these imbalances, we conduct a thorough anamnesis interview before beginning treatment.

Allergic conjunctivitis

In Chinese medicine, allergic conjunctivitis corresponds to wind invasion and heat patterns. It can also be understood as ascending heat affecting the meridians in the eyes: the liver and gallbladder meridians. To treat these allergies, I suppress the rising yang, clear the heat, and strengthen the affected meridians with acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Allergic Asthma

Hay fever or allergic rhinitis is understood as an invasion of wind-cold combined with a deficiency of Wei Qi, which is responsible for defense and the immune system. In a treatment, I will strengthen the Wei Qi through the affected organs and eliminate the wind. At the same time, I tonify the body’s Yang to prevent hay fever in subsequent years.

Hayfever/Allergic Rhinitis

Heuschnupfen oder allergische Rhinitis wird als Invasion von Wind Kälte bei gleichzeitigem Mangel an Wei Qi verstanden, welches für die Abwehr und das Immunsystem verantwortlich ist. In einer Behandlung werde ich das Wei Qi über die betroffenen Organe stärken, und den Wind beseitigen. Gleichzeitig tonifiziere ich das Yang des Körpers, um dem Heuschnupfen auch in den Folgejahren vorzubeugen.


London: TBC

Düsseldorf (Oberkassel): Wildenbruchstrasse 115, 40545 Düsseldorf

Essen (Kettwig): Hauptstrasse 54, 45219 Essen




UK: +44 7879 982 175

GER: +49 1523 61 96 135