The Clinic

Welcome to the TCM Clinic of Jasmin Reif Lic.Ac – Acupuncturist & Herbalist and Naturopath for Traditional Chinese Medicine.

If you are visiting my practice for the first time, I will begin with a comprehensive anamnesis interview, which includes pulse diagnosis and tongue diagnosis. Based on this information, I will create your individualized treatment plan.

A treatment usually consists of weekly sessions, allowing me to continuously adjust my treatment to your symptoms. Typically, a treatment lasts five to ten sessions, with the frequency decreasing as your body responds to the treatment. For chronic conditions, it may be beneficial to have a monthly follow-up.

Treatment Focus

Traditional Chinese Medicine is characterized by its versatility. It encompasses a wide range of therapies, including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, nutritional therapy, Gua Sha, and cupping massage. During my three-year study of Chinese Medicine in London (UK), I learned these and other techniques and applied TCM in my practice for both acute conditions and pre- and post-care.

In my work in the Integrative Oncology Department at the Evangelische Kliniken Essen-Mitte (KEM), I care for cancer patients during inpatient stays and outpatient chemotherapy. This experience has given me specialized knowledge in applying TCM for cancer treatment and post-surgical care.

Techniques I use:
Pulse diagnosis & Tongue diagnosis

In the TCM Clinic Jasmin Reif LAc – Acupuncturist & Herbalist, I use tongue diagnosis. I combine this with pulse diagnosis, as both methods allow me to understand the internal condition of my patients. Both the tongue and the pulse provide me with information about heat, cold, moisture, and dryness within the body.

When examining the tongue, I pay attention to its shape, color, and coating.

I take the pulse at six different locations on the body, as these correspond to various organ systems in TCM. I assess not only the speed of the pulse but also its depth and quality.

TCM Clinic Jasmin Reif LAc HP – Acupuncturist & Herbalist

TCM Clinic Acupuncturist Herbalist

Techniques I use:
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

There are different types of acupuncture: traditionally based acupuncture systems, Western medical acupuncture, and microsystems, such as ear acupuncture. Traditional acupuncture includes systems like TCM, Five Elements, Stems and Branches, Japanese Meridian Therapy, and many more. These styles differ slightly in needling and diagnostic techniques, but they all trace back to classical texts such as the Huangdi Neijing (黄帝内经).

In the TCM Clinic Jasmin Reif LAc – Acupuncturist & Herbalist, I primarily use TCM acupuncture to treat various conditions. The method of the Six Divisions has proven to be effective in this regard. I also apply Five Elements theories and Ben & Biao techniques as diagnostic procedures.

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TCM Clinic Acupuncturist Herbalist

Techniques I use:
Cupping & Gua Sha

Cupping is a therapeutic method that I often perform as part of an acupuncture treatment. I place special glass cups on the body and create a vacuum, which sucks the skin and underlying tissue into the cup, thereby increasing blood circulation and relieving tension.

Gua Sha can be described as a massage of the skin using a flat-edged tool to increase blood circulation and draw heat from the body to the surface.

TCM Clinic Acupuncturist Herbalist

Techniques I use:

Moxibustion is an essential component of Chinese medicine, using moxa, a soft, woolly substance made from Chinese mugwort leaves (Artemisia argyi). During moxibustion, the moxa is either placed directly on the skin or held just above it, over specific acupuncture points or meridians. The herb is ignited, and as it slowly smolders, heat penetrates the skin and affects the flow of Qi and blood in the treated area.

Direct moxibustion is more commonly used for specific areas that require treatment. The practitioner shapes the moxa into a tiny cone and places it directly on the body before lighting it. The ignited moxa cone is removed as soon as the patient feels a sensation of heat.

TCM Clinic Acupuncturist Herbalist

Techniques I use:
Scalp Acupuncture

Beyond classical TCM acupuncture, I treat neurological disorders with a specialized form of Scalp Acupuncture based on the method developed by Tianjun Wang, as well as Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA).

This form of acupuncture is based on insights from Western neuroanatomy combined with Chinese medicine. It has shown good results in treating dizziness, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.

I utilize acupuncture points based on the concept of neuroplasticity of the brain to stimulate the body and brain for self-repair by increasing neuronal connectivity and enhancing brain plasticity.

In scalp acupuncture, I place needles along neuroanatomical areas of the scalp and actively stimulate them for 30 minutes. I may ask my patients to move during the treatment to maintain constant stimulation of the needles. This method usually leads to immediate results as it aims to increase the connectivity between the body and brain.

TCM Clinic Acupuncturist Herbalist


London: TBC

Düsseldorf (Oberkassel): Wildenbruchstrasse 115, 40545 Düsseldorf

Essen (Kettwig): Hauptstrasse 54, 45219 Essen




UK: +44 7879 982 175

GER: +49 1523 61 96 135