Chronic Diseases from a TCM Perspective

Chronic conditions can significantly impact a patient’s life due to their persistent nature. On this page, I discuss some, but not all, chronic diseases that we treat. For chronic diseases related to the nervous system or kidneys, please click on the respective orange link.

Read here a clinical study on the treatment of COPD with acupuncture.

Bronchial asthma

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses the term Xiao-Chuan to describe asthma. This term represents a combination of disease patterns that need to be assessed individually. In most cases, there is a deficiency of Qi in the lung and kidney systems, either separately or in combination. A rapid onset of an asthma attack suggests Wind Invasion. In this case, the practitioner will first expel the Wind and then tonify the Lung and Kidney.

CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In TCM, the complex condition is associated with the presence of one or more pathogenic factors leading to latent Heat, Dampness, and Qi Stagnation. Often, an underlying weakness of Qi, Kidney Yin, or Kidney Yang can be observed. The practitioner will use both tonifying and expelling methods simultaneously to restore the body’s balance.

COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

The accumulation of Phlegm, Phlegm-Heat, or Phlegm-Dampness leads to obstruction of the Lungs. The underlying cause of the condition is a weakness in Lung Qi and Yin. As the condition progresses, there may be an observed weakness in both the Yin and Yang aspects of the Lungs, which the practitioner will address and balance during the course of treatment.

Diabetes Mellitus

The condition is described in TCM as Xiao Ke, or ‚thirsting and wasting.‘ Three components contribute to the disease pattern, each associated with one of the three ‚Jiao.‘ In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiao refers to the body regions: Lower, Middle, and Upper. Since Diabetes Mellitus is a systemic disease, the treatment approach is also holistic.


Traditional Chinese Medicine views osteoporosis as a condition related to the Kidney Meridian. The bone structure becomes porous, which is described as a deficiency of ‚Jing,‘ the essence of the Kidneys. In addition to a Kidney-tonifying diet, the treatment involves strengthening the Kidneys through acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine.


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