Skin Conditions from the Perspective of TCM

The TCM treatment of skin conditions focuses on restoring the body’s internal balance. This is achieved through an individual diagnosis, where the causes of skin problems are identified based on Yin and Yang, the five elements, and the flow of vital energy (Qi). In my practice, I use therapeutic approaches such as Five Elements Nutrition, TCM acupuncture, and TCM herbal medicine. I first examine which imbalances contribute to your condition and then develop a personalized treatment strategy.

If interested, you can find a clinical study on the treatment of skin conditions with TCM, published in the Journal JAMA Dermatology.

TCM Skin Conditions: Facial Skin


In TCM, acne is described as damp-heat. The redness of the pustules may indicate heat, while white pustules suggest additional dampness. In severe cases, the dampness can transform into phlegm and be associated with pain. Depending on the location, different meridians such as the stomach, large intestine, liver, or lung may be affected in the dermatological condition of „acne.“


The skin condition is primarily due to heat in the stomach or lung meridian with additional dampness, though the influence of dampness is less prominent than in acne. Additionally, liver stagnation or „rising liver yang“ plays a role in the etiology of the condition.

TCM Skin Conditions: Head Hair

Alopecia / Hair Loss

Alopecia, known as hair loss, can have various causes from the perspective of TCM. A common cause is blood deficiency (of the heart or liver meridian). This means, in Chinese terms, that the body produces insufficient body fluids, leading to poor nourishment of the outer capillaries. This can result in hair loss, numbness in the extremities, dry skin, and dry eyes, among other symptoms. The therapy focuses on nourishing the blood and body fluids through acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, and dietary adjustments.

TCM Skin Conditions: Body Skin

Atopic Eczema

Eczema causes symptoms such as redness, vesicles, and exudation, which correspond to wind, dampness, and heat in TCM. The cause of the dermatological condition is often internally generated dampness and externally/internally generated wind that causes itching. An underlying Wei Qi deficiency thus represents a predisposition. Additionally, blood deficiency manifests as dry skin and chronicity, as blood nourishes the skin.


Heat and phlegm play an important role in the development of the skin condition. In TCM, heat leads to dryness of the blood and blood-heat, while scales and redness indicate phlegm and heat. Therefore, the therapist will aim to clear heat and, if indicated, either nourish the blood or resolve phlegm.

TCM Skin Conditions: Autoimmune

Lupus Erythematosus SLE

The underlying pattern in autoimmune diseases like lupus erythematosus is deficiency of kidney Qi and kidney essence. Additionally, lupus involves heat and phlegm. Due to the complexity of the disease, it is treated from various perspectives in TCM. Phlegm is resolved, heat is cleared, and the patient’s immune system is strengthened. Since the condition often also has psychological components, it is important to understand these triggers.


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