Headache and Migraine from the Perspective of TCM

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), migraines and headaches are often seen as disturbances in the flow of energy within the body, particularly in the Liver and Gallbladder meridians. The treatment aims to resolve these energy blockages by stimulating acupuncture points and using herbal medicine. Additionally, adjusting lifestyle and diet plays a crucial role. The goal is to restore balance in the body and promote long-term relief from headaches.

If interested, here is a clinical study on TCM for migraines and headaches from the journal BMJ – Evidence Based Medicine.


The TCM treatment for migraines involves a holistic approach to harmonising the flow of energy in the body. I use acupuncture to resolve blockages in the meridians, particularly in the Liver and Gallbladder meridians. Additionally, I create customised herbal formulas to support the energetic balance. This approach helps to reduce both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a detailed diagnosis is first conducted to identify the underlying causes of severe headaches. Strong headaches can be due to various energetic patterns. For example, disturbed Qi flow, blood stagnation, or an imbalance between Yin and Yang can lead to rising Yang energy.

Chronic Headache

In TCM, for chronic headaches, I first identify the underlying energetic imbalances. Chronic headaches can be attributed to various disturbances such as Qi deficiency in the Spleen and Stomach, blood deficiency, or dampness. TCM therapy for headaches may include acupuncture or herbal medicine and is customised to address the specific causes of the chronic headache.

Dizziness / Vertigo

In TCM, dizziness is considered a symptom that may indicate a disrupted balance of Qi (life energy) or blood in the body. The causes of dizziness can be diverse. Therefore, TCM requires a detailed diagnosis to identify the specific energetic pattern. Dizziness, for example, may be due to Liver Qi stagnation, Kidney Yin deficiency, or Spleen Qi weakness. Also see the page Neurological Conditions.


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