Rheumatic Diseases from the Perspective of TCM

Rheumatic diseases or inflammatory rheumatic disorders are overarching terms for a variety of conditions that primarily affect the musculoskeletal system but can also involve organs such as the heart or kidneys. These conditions are understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as Bi Syndrome. The focus of treatment is on resolving stagnation. Below, you will find a list of rheumatic diseases along with their interpretation in Traditional Chinese Medicine and their treatment.


An acute gout attack corresponds to the pattern of heat and dampness „Bi Syndrome“ with accumulations of phlegm/fire. The typical localization of gout in the big toe indicates disharmonies in the Liver and Spleen meridians.


In TCM, osteoarthritis is understood as a Bi Syndrome. Pain and stiffness are characteristic of cold and dampness patterns, while deformities indicate phlegm accumulations. This is preceded by a weakness in the Kidney Meridian, especially if the knees are affected. Osteoarthritis in the hip points to disharmonies in the Gallbladder and Liver meridians.


The pain characteristic of fibromyalgia is understood in TCM as a stagnation of Liver Qi and blood. Tension in muscles and tendons suggests an underlying weakness in Spleen Qi, Liver blood, or Kidney Yin. Chronicity points to invasion by Wind and Dampness. The typical nodules are categorized as phlegm patterns. Similar to fatigue syndrome, it represents a complex combination of various disharmonies.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Stiffness, rigidity, and pain in the sacrum and hips in TCM suggest Qi stagnation in the Liver and Gallbladder meridians, with an underlying weakness in the Kidney meridian. Cold and Dampness often play a role in the chronicity of the condition. Additional deformities indicate the presence of phlegm formation.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Similar to rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis represents a form of Dampness combined with Heat and an underlying deficiency of Blood and Yin.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the initial manifestation of the condition, characterized by hot/stiff joints, is understood as Heat and Dampness, referred to as ‚Bi Syndrome‘. In some cases, however, the condition may initially present with Cold symptoms. The progression of the disease to bone deformities indicates the formation of Phlegm, known as ‚Bony Bi‘. Muscle and tendon degeneration, along with weakness in the bones, is seen as a deficiency of Spleen Qi, Liver Yin, and Kidney Yin. Rheumatoid Arthritis thus represents a combination of various interrelated patterns. The experienced practitioner must first determine the sequence in which these disharmonies are to be addressed.

Dupuytren's Contracture

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Liver Blood Deficiency, Spleen Qi Deficiency, or Liver Qi Stagnation can trigger inflammation and thickening of the connective tissue and promote the accumulation of Phlegm. Since the affected areas involve the 4th and 5th fingers, the Heart and Pericardium Meridians are involved in the diagnosis.


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